The Best Of 1980-1990 & B-Sides
Release # 1
  • Media:CDs
  • Content CD1:Full Album (The Best Of 1980-1990)► 64:39 min.
  • Content CD2:B-Sides► 60:06 min.
  • Date:2003
  • Label:Universal  (fake)
  • Catalog:FA-20105
  • Matrix CD1:2HD-104/020919-6-ONE
  • Matrix CD2:2HD-104/020919-6-TWO
  • Packaging:Jewel case wrapped in a penta-folding sleeve
Official Audio Analysis

Album release: UK - 1998

CD1.01 Pride

Album release: UK - 1998

CD2.01 The Three Sunrise

Fake Audio Analysis

Release # 1

CD1.01 Pride

Release # 1

CD2.01 The Three Sunrise

Webmaster scans

Release # 1

Matrix CD1 / CD2: 2HD-104/020919-6-ONE / 2HD-104/020919-6-TWO
The wrap cover replace the standard front cover.

(punched) Penta-folding cardboard wrap cover
(punched) Penta-folding cardboard wrap cover (inside)
Back cover
Back cover (reverse)

CD1 / CD2